Admission to Loudwater School
Applying for a place at Loudwater School
Our admissions into Foundation Stage are administered by the LA. Admissions to other year groups and at different times in the school year are managed by the school. Our admission criteria are as follows:
If there are more applicants than places available, i.e. 30, once pupils with statements of special educational need have been admitted to the school.
Our admission rules are as follows:
- Children with an Education, Health and Care Plan which names Loudwater Combined School.
- Looked After and Previously Looked After Children and children who appear to have been in state education outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.
- Children who have exceptional medical or social needs which can only be met at Loudwater Combined School, supported by written evidence from an appropriate professional person.
- Children of a member of staff where either: the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time of application and/or the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.
- Children living within the catchment area with siblings who are attending the school in Reception to Year 5 at the time the allocations are made and who are expected to be on the school roll at the time of proposed admission.
- Children living within the catchment area of the school.
- Children outside of the catchment area of the school with siblings who are attending the school in Reception to Year 5 at the time the allocations are made and who are expected to be on the school roll at the time of proposed admission.
- Any remaining places are allocated to out of area children according to the distance between the family’s normal home address and the school’s nearest gate measured in a straight line
Where a child has two homes due to parental responsibility being shared by two people who live apart, the address used will be the one at which the child resides for the majority of time during school terms, as confirmed by written evidence from both parents/guardians.
In the event of there being over subscription in any one of the above criteria, ranking of the children will be determined using the remaining criteria in the order they are set out above.
The school’s catchment area falls within the following boundaries:
- Kingsmead Road up to Beech Road and all roads south between
- Kingsmead Road and the M40; all roads north and south of the London Road between Hammersley Lane to the west and Watery Lane and Knaves Beech to the east.
Further details and a map are available from the school or can be viewed at: